Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Kiva Project!
'Kuparivuori on Kiva Koulun'
What is Kiva koulu?
'KiVa is a research-based antibullying program that has been developed in the University of Turku, Finland, with funding from the Ministry of Education and Culture.' And here is more information about it: http://www.kivakoulu.fi/there-is-no-bullying-in-kiva-school

What I can tell about this nationwide project is that it reflects how Finnish education system focuses on behaviours from any angles and co-operation in the school. It is very effective to let students to think about their attitudes and friendship;even about love! So It can easily be said that Finnish schools are not just emphasise the importance of Science,Math but to live together which is the vital thing in real life.
Here are my students' Kiva flowers! They noted  positive things about their classes down to each leaf of flower and then put them together to make a whole proper flower. It is the way they usually do :) From pieces to whole...

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