Thursday, January 2, 2014

IGNITE? What is that?

In METU(, We as Curriculum and Instruction Master Students have the course called 'Theories of Learning'. Even though it sounds like very theoretical and boring, it is inspirational and it does include very contemporary issues. The dynamism never gets down, actually there is no time for that because of work load. The enthusiastic instructor is Evrim BARAN, you can find her website here:

One of the assignments was to prepare an ignite presentation when we had clearly no idea about it. Then, we did learn and experience! Ignite is a 5 min presentation within 20 slides and 15 seconds for each. It is pretty dynamic, highly fun and quite intensive. To do that presentation, depending on the subject that you are going to give a speech, summary should be done very effectively and organized. The slides do not wait for you! Here is my ignite which tells you about my adventure of learning in this course: My learning adventure

Here is the link of our ignite show: Ignite show

I guess, the course itself was sort of an ignite since there was very limited time for all comprehensive and attracted topics and we had to do it in effective way. I believe that one of the main purposes of the course is to inspire and enhance prior knowledge for each subject. Here is our agenda:

Personal Learning Theory
Foundations for Learning Sciences
Situated Learning
Cognitive and Intelligent Tutors
Motivation and Flow Theory
Case Based Reasoning
Design Based Research
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
Teacher Education

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